Reference for RimuHosting's Data Structures (as used in our REST-ful APIs)

AboutBillingDataBilling information, read-only (no HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE methods to update it).
AboutOrderInformation about an order.  Data from our database.  Excludes live stats from the host server.  Usable for VPSs or dedicated servers.
AllocatedIPsRead only information about the IPs allocated to a server.
AmountRepresents an amount in both a native currency and in USD.
BillingMethodDataInformation about a billing method you have with us.
DataLocationInfoInformation about a data center location.
DataTransferAllocationDataA server's data transfer allocation.  'NA' for a VPS on a customer's own dedicated server (which has its own data transfer allowance).
DataTransferUsageInfoInformation about how much data transfer allowance your VPS has been using.
DeleteServerResponseInformation about what happened when deleting/shutting down the server.
DistroInfoThe code and description for a distro.  e.g.
GetBillingMethodsResponseThe response to a query of a customer's billing methods.
GetDataTransferUsageAndOtherVPSStatusInformationInformation about the VPS's status, including its data transfer usage for the current and previous month.
GetDistrosResponseA list of the currently offered/available distros.
GetOrderResponseDetail about a server order.
GetOrdersResponseThe orders matching the specified order filter.
GetPricingPlansResponseThe response to the pricing plans listing resource.
GetVPSStatusResponseVPS stats (like current kernel name, whether console logins are enabled, whether backups are currently running , when the next backup will run, vps uptime, and VPS seconds used).  It also returns host server info.  e.g.
HostServerInfoInformation about a host server, including its capabilities.
IErrorInfoAn interface that describes an error.
InstantiationViaCloneDataOptions for when you are instantiating a server via clone (vs.
IPRequestDataNumber of IPs VPS needs.  In a separate data structure so that at a later date we can add more IPs to a provisioned server.
NewVPSRequestThis structure defines the VPS to be setup.
OrderBeingBilledA brief bit of detail about an order (used on the BillingMethodData object).
OrderFilterCriteria on which to filter orders.  e.g.
PlanFilterThese are the field names you can use in the pricing plan url as matrix parameters to filter/restrict what plans are returned.  e.g.
PostNewVPSResponseThe response after you create a new VPS.
PricingPlanInfoInformation about a pricing plan, aka vps 'size'.
PutCancelledResponseResponse returned when setting a cancellation date on a server.
PutHostServerMoveResponseThe result of the 'move host server' request.
ResourceChangeResultInformation about a resource change.
RunningVPSDataAttributes about a running VPS.  Implicit with any changes to these attributes on a VPS is that we'd need to restart the VPS for the changes to happen.  At least at this point in time.
RunningVPSInfoStats from the VPS host server.  This is 'live' data from a physical server (vs.
VPSMoveRequestInformation about how to move a VPS.