| ||
detail: element | attribute | value |
XML Example:<OrderFilter> <active_for_less_than_n_days>xsd:int</active_for_less_than_n_days> <active_for_more_than_n_days>xsd:int</active_for_more_than_n_days> <balance_owing_filter>com.redrata.billing.StatementBalance.StatementBalanceFilter</balance_owing_filter> zero or N[<billing_methods>TS_CC | TS_PAYPAL | TS_BANK | TS_WIRE | TS_OTHER | TS_INVOICE</billing_methods>] <billing_oid>xsd:long</billing_oid> <cancellation_after>java.sql.Timestamp</cancellation_after> <cancellation_after_or_null>java.sql.Timestamp</cancellation_after_or_null> <cancellation_before>java.sql.Timestamp</cancellation_before> <cc_expires_on_after>java.sql.Timestamp</cc_expires_on_after> <control_panel>xsd:string</control_panel> <cur>CUR_USD | CUR_NZD | CUR_AUD | CUR_CAD | CUR_GBP | CUR_EUR</cur> <data_center>DCRUSKO | DCEV1 | DCDALLAS | DCOZSERVERS | DCDEDIFAST | DCEZZI | DCPOUNDHOST | DCGNAX | DCINTERVOLVE | DCSERVERSAUSTRALIA | DCSOFTLAYER | DCHOSTINGDIRECT</data_center> <data_center_location>DCDALLAS | DCDALLAS2 | DCHOUSTON | DCATLANTA | DCLONDON | DCLONDON2 | DCSYDNEY | DCBRISBANE | DCNEWCASTLE | DCAUCKLAND | DCNY | DCNY2</data_center_location> zero or N[<data_centers>DCRUSKO | DCEV1 | DCDALLAS | DCOZSERVERS | DCDEDIFAST | DCEZZI | DCPOUNDHOST | DCGNAX | DCINTERVOLVE | DCSERVERSAUSTRALIA | DCSOFTLAYER | DCHOSTINGDIRECT</data_centers>] <ded_server_type>DST_REGULAR | DST_ONEVPS | DST_MULTIVPS</ded_server_type> zero or N[<ded_server_types>DST_REGULAR | DST_ONEVPS | DST_MULTIVPS</ded_server_types>] <distro>xsd:string</distro> <does_idle_host_require_decommissioning>xsd:boolean</does_idle_host_require_decommissioning> <domain_name>xsd:string</domain_name> <domain_name_like>xsd:string</domain_name_like> <exclude_host_server>xsd:string</exclude_host_server> zero or N[<exclude_these_order_oids>xsd:long</exclude_these_order_oids>] <has_ip>xsd:boolean</has_ip> <has_pause_billing_note>xsd:boolean</has_pause_billing_note> <has_prepaid_until>xsd:boolean</has_prepaid_until> <has_setup_queue_entry>xsd:boolean</has_setup_queue_entry> <host_ip>xsd:string</host_ip> <host_server>xsd:string</host_server> zero or N[<host_server_plans>ST_REGULAR | ST_XEN | ST_UML | ST_XENLOWCONTENTION</host_server_plans>] zero or N[<host_servers>xsd:string</host_servers>] <include_inactive>xsd:boolean</include_inactive> <include_maybe_active_plesk_key>xsd:boolean</include_maybe_active_plesk_key> <include_suspended>xsd:boolean</include_suspended> <ip>xsd:string</ip> zero or N[<ip_pool_oids>xsd:long</ip_pool_oids>] <ip_slash_cidr>xsd:string</ip_slash_cidr> zero or N[<ips>xsd:string</ips>] <is_dedicated_server>xsd:boolean</is_dedicated_server> <is_host_decommissioned>xsd:boolean</is_host_decommissioned> <is_paypal_sub_active>xsd:boolean</is_paypal_sub_active> <is_setup_pending>xsd:boolean</is_setup_pending> zero or N[<location_oids>xsd:long</location_oids>] <max_days_active>xsd:int</max_days_active> <min_days_active>xsd:int</min_days_active> <monthly_billing_from>xsd:double</monthly_billing_from> <monthly_billing_to>xsd:double</monthly_billing_to> <order_by>CANCEL_DATE | USER_NAME | ORDER_DATE | DOMAIN | CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_BILLED_DOMAIN</order_by> zero or N[<order_oids>xsd:long</order_oids>] <ordered_after>java.sql.Timestamp</ordered_after> <ordered_before>java.sql.Timestamp</ordered_before> <params_search>xsd:string</params_search> <plan>xsd:string</plan> <prepaid_until_after>java.sql.Timestamp</prepaid_until_after> <prepaid_until_before>java.sql.Timestamp</prepaid_until_before> <search>xsd:string</search> <server_psu>PSU_REGULAR | PSU_REDUNDANT_PSU | PSU_REDUNDANT_POWER</server_psu> <server_type>PHYSICAL | VPS</server_type> <server_user_name>xsd:string</server_user_name> <user_oid>xsd:long</user_oid> zero or N[<user_oids>xsd:long</user_oids>] <vps_type>LOW_CONTENTION | REGULAR | DEDICATED</vps_type> </OrderFilter> | JSON Example:{"OrderFilter": { "active_for_less_than_n_days": Number, "active_for_more_than_n_days": Number, "balance_owing_filter": com.redrata.billing.StatementBalance.StatementBalanceFilter, "billing_methods": ['TS_CC' | 'TS_PAYPAL' | 'TS_BANK' | 'TS_WIRE' | 'TS_OTHER' | 'TS_INVOICE'], "billing_oid": Number, "cancellation_after": java.sql.Timestamp, "cancellation_after_or_null": java.sql.Timestamp, "cancellation_before": java.sql.Timestamp, "cc_expires_on_after": java.sql.Timestamp, "control_panel": String, "cur": 'CUR_USD' | 'CUR_NZD' | 'CUR_AUD' | 'CUR_CAD' | 'CUR_GBP' | 'CUR_EUR', "data_center": 'DCRUSKO' | 'DCEV1' | 'DCDALLAS' | 'DCOZSERVERS' | 'DCDEDIFAST' | 'DCEZZI' | 'DCPOUNDHOST' | 'DCGNAX' | 'DCINTERVOLVE' | 'DCSERVERSAUSTRALIA' | 'DCSOFTLAYER' | 'DCHOSTINGDIRECT', "data_center_location": 'DCDALLAS' | 'DCDALLAS2' | 'DCHOUSTON' | 'DCATLANTA' | 'DCLONDON' | 'DCLONDON2' | 'DCSYDNEY' | 'DCBRISBANE' | 'DCNEWCASTLE' | 'DCAUCKLAND' | 'DCNY' | 'DCNY2', "data_centers": ['DCRUSKO' | 'DCEV1' | 'DCDALLAS' | 'DCOZSERVERS' | 'DCDEDIFAST' | 'DCEZZI' | 'DCPOUNDHOST' | 'DCGNAX' | 'DCINTERVOLVE' | 'DCSERVERSAUSTRALIA' | 'DCSOFTLAYER' | 'DCHOSTINGDIRECT'], "ded_server_type": 'DST_REGULAR' | 'DST_ONEVPS' | 'DST_MULTIVPS', "ded_server_types": ['DST_REGULAR' | 'DST_ONEVPS' | 'DST_MULTIVPS'], "distro": String, "does_idle_host_require_decommissioning": Boolean, "domain_name": String, "domain_name_like": String, "exclude_host_server": String, "exclude_these_order_oids": [Number], "has_ip": Boolean, "has_pause_billing_note": Boolean, "has_prepaid_until": Boolean, "has_setup_queue_entry": Boolean, "host_ip": String, "host_server": String, "host_server_plans": ['ST_REGULAR' | 'ST_XEN' | 'ST_UML' | 'ST_XENLOWCONTENTION'], "host_servers": [String], "include_inactive": Boolean, "include_maybe_active_plesk_key": Boolean, "include_suspended": Boolean, "ip": String, "ip_pool_oids": [Number], "ip_slash_cidr": String, "ips": [String], "is_dedicated_server": Boolean, "is_host_decommissioned": Boolean, "is_paypal_sub_active": Boolean, "is_setup_pending": Boolean, "location_oids": [Number], "max_days_active": Number, "min_days_active": Number, "monthly_billing_from": Number, "monthly_billing_to": Number, "order_by": 'CANCEL_DATE' | 'USER_NAME' | 'ORDER_DATE' | 'DOMAIN' | 'CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_BILLED_DOMAIN', "order_oids": [Number], "ordered_after": java.sql.Timestamp, "ordered_before": java.sql.Timestamp, "params_search": String, "plan": String, "prepaid_until_after": java.sql.Timestamp, "prepaid_until_before": java.sql.Timestamp, "search": String, "server_psu": 'PSU_REGULAR' | 'PSU_REDUNDANT_PSU' | 'PSU_REDUNDANT_POWER', "server_type": 'PHYSICAL' | 'VPS', "server_user_name": String, "user_oid": Number, "user_oids": [Number], "vps_type": 'LOW_CONTENTION' | 'REGULAR' | 'DEDICATED', } } |
Name | Type | Required | Nillable | Default Value | Description |
active_for_less_than_n_days | xsd:int | false | false | ||
active_for_more_than_n_days | xsd:int | false | false | ||
balance_owing_filter | com.redrata.billing.StatementBalance.StatementBalanceFilter | false | false | ||
billing_methods | zero or N[TS_CC | TS_PAYPAL | TS_BANK | TS_WIRE | TS_OTHER | TS_INVOICE] | false | false | Matches only servers that use the selected billing method types. | |
billing_oid | xsd:long | false | false | Matches only servers that use the this billing method instance. | |
cancellation_after | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches only servers with cancellation dates set where the cancellation date is after this value. | |
cancellation_after_or_null | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches servers with with no cancellation date set, as well as servers with a cancellation date set where that date is after this value. | |
cancellation_before | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches servers with a cancellation date set that is before this value. | |
cc_expires_on_after | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches orders set to bill via credit cards where those credit cards expire on or after this date. | |
control_panel | xsd:string | false | false | Matches only servers with this control panel (e.g. | |
cur | CUR_USD | CUR_NZD | CUR_AUD | CUR_CAD | CUR_GBP | CUR_EUR | false | false | ||
data_center_location | DCDALLAS | DCDALLAS2 | DCHOUSTON | DCATLANTA | DCLONDON | DCLONDON2 | DCSYDNEY | DCBRISBANE | DCNEWCASTLE | DCAUCKLAND | DCNY | DCNY2 | false | false | Matches only servers located in this data center location. | |
ded_server_type | DST_REGULAR | DST_ONEVPS | DST_MULTIVPS | false | false | ||
ded_server_types | zero or N[DST_REGULAR | DST_ONEVPS | DST_MULTIVPS] | false | false | ||
distro | xsd:string | false | false | Matches only servers with this distro. | |
does_idle_host_require_decommissioning | xsd:boolean | false | false | ||
domain_name | xsd:string | false | false | search based on domain | |
domain_name_like | xsd:string | false | false | search based on domain name | |
exclude_host_server | xsd:string | false | false | Matches any server that does not have this host server set as its physical server. | |
exclude_these_order_oids | zero or N[xsd:long] | false | false | Exclude servers with these order ids from the result. | |
has_ip | xsd:boolean | false | false | true matches only servers that have IPs set, null for does not matter, false to match only servers with no IPs set. | |
has_pause_billing_note | xsd:boolean | false | false | When set to true, only return servers that are paused for billing by the billing administrators. | |
has_prepaid_until | xsd:boolean | false | false | Matches only servers that have a prepaid date set (whether in the past of the future). | |
has_setup_queue_entry | xsd:boolean | false | false | ||
host_ip | xsd:string | false | false | Matches a physical server main IP | |
host_server | xsd:string | false | false | Matches a physical server's id. | |
host_server_plans | zero or N[ST_REGULAR | ST_XEN | ST_UML | ST_XENLOWCONTENTION] | false | false | Matches a physical server's type. | |
host_servers | zero or N[xsd:string] | false | false | Matches a physical server's id. | |
include_inactive | xsd:boolean | false | false | true for only inactive servers, null for 'does not matter', false for only active servers. | |
include_maybe_active_plesk_key | xsd:boolean | false | false | Typically also needs include_inactive=Y to find servers with keys allocated to it. | |
include_suspended | xsd:boolean | false | false | true for suspended servers only, null for 'does not matter', false for only non-suspended servers. | |
ip | xsd:string | false | false | Matches a server with a primary or secondary IP matching this IP. | |
ip_pool_oids | zero or N[xsd:long] | false | false | Match only servers with these IP pool ids. | |
ip_slash_cidr | xsd:string | false | false | Find a server based on it being inside a netblock e.g. | |
ips | zero or N[xsd:string] | false | false | Matches a server with a primary or secondary IP matching one of these IPs. | |
is_dedicated_server | xsd:boolean | false | false | When true matches servers if they are a customer's dedicated server (but not if it is a VPS on a customer's dedicated server). | |
is_host_decommissioned | xsd:boolean | false | false | Matches only servers on hosts marked as decommissioned | |
is_paypal_sub_active | xsd:boolean | false | false | true for servers paid with an active paypal subscription, null for 'does not matter', false for serves paid via paypal but with no active paypal subscription | |
is_setup_pending | xsd:boolean | false | false | true to match only servers that are probably not setup yet. | |
location_oids | zero or N[xsd:long] | false | false | Match only servers in one of these locations. | |
max_days_active | xsd:int | false | false | Finds servers that have been active for at mostthis many days | |
min_days_active | xsd:int | false | false | Finds servers that have been active for at least this many days | |
monthly_billing_from | xsd:double | false | false | Matches only servers with a monthly recurring fee (per cur variable) over this amount. | |
monthly_billing_to | xsd:double | false | false | Matches only servers with a monthly recurring fee (per cur variable) up to this amount. | |
order_by | CANCEL_DATE | USER_NAME | ORDER_DATE | DOMAIN | CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_BILLED_DOMAIN | false | false | One of "cancel" "user" "order_date" "domain" | |
order_oids | zero or N[xsd:long] | false | false | Match only servers with these IPs | |
ordered_after | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches only servers ordered after this date. | |
ordered_before | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches only servers ordered before this date. | |
params_search | xsd:string | false | false | Performs a search of a VM's parameter file. | |
plan | xsd:string | false | false | Matches only servers originally ordered with this plan code. | |
prepaid_until_after | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches only servers that have a prepaid date set, where the prepaid date is after this time. | |
prepaid_until_before | java.sql.Timestamp | false | false | Matches only servers that have a prepaid date set, where the prepaid date is before this time. | |
search | xsd:string | false | false | Performs a search of the servers attributes. | |
server_psu | PSU_REGULAR | PSU_REDUNDANT_PSU | PSU_REDUNDANT_POWER | false | false | ||
server_type | PHYSICAL | VPS | false | false | For example VPS or PHYSICAL or null for does not matter | |
server_user_name | xsd:string | false | false | Match only servers that are VPSs where the VPS user on the host matches this value. | |
user_oid | xsd:long | false | false | Matches only servers owned by this user. | |
user_oids | zero or N[xsd:long] | false | false | Matches only servers owned by these users. | |
vps_type | LOW_CONTENTION | REGULAR | DEDICATED | false | false | e.g. |
| ||
detail: element | attribute | value |