Reference for RimuHosting's Data Structures (as used in our REST-ful APIs)

Name: RunningVPSData

Attributes about a running VPS.  Implicit with any changes to these attributes on a VPS is that we'd need to restart the VPS for the changes to happen.  At least at this point in time.

XML Example:
JSON Example:
   "disk_space_2_mb": Number,
   "disk_space_mb": Number,
   "memory_mb": Number,

NameTypeRequiredNillableDefault ValueDescription
disk_space_2_mbxsd:intfalsefalseSome VPSs have a secondary partition.  One that is not part of the regular backup setups.  Mostly not used.
disk_space_mbxsd:intfalsefalseFile system image size.
memory_mbxsd:intfalsefalseMemory size.