billing_oid | xsd:long | false | false | | Set the billing id if you want to control how it is billed.
Else we will, for example, try to use, say, the credit card you used
on your last order that had a credit card. Or use a wire
transfer method if you are using that on other orders. See the
billing methods resource for how to find what billing methods/ids you
have setup on your account. |
dc_location | DCDALLAS | DCDALLAS2 | DCHOUSTON | DCATLANTA | DCLONDON | DCLONDON2 | DCSYDNEY | DCBRISBANE | DCNEWCASTLE | DCAUCKLAND | DCNY | DCNY2 | false | false | | You can specify a location. |
file_injection_data | zero or N[FileData] | false | false | | List of files to inject into the instance. |
host_server_oid | xsd:string | false | false | | The host server on which to setup the server. Typically you
will want to leave this blank and let the API decide what is
best/available. And exception may be if you are a customer with
a dedicated server that is a VPS host with us. And in that case
you may want to force a VPS to be setup on a particular server of
yours. |
instantiation_options | InstantiationData | false | false | | These are the instantiation options. e.g. |
instantiation_via_clone_options | InstantiationViaCloneData | false | false | | These are the instantiation options if you are creating a new VPS as
a clone of an existing VPS. |
ip_request | IPRequestData | false | false | | The number of IPs you need on the VPS and a justification for having
more than one. Just leave blank for a single IP (which is all
most servers need). |
is_just_minimal_init | xsd:boolean | false | false | | Do minimal setup work. |
meta_data | zero or N[KeyValueMetaData] | false | false | | These values are stored with the order you create. |
pricing_plan_code | xsd:string | false | false | | The pricing plan code you want to use. Per the pricing plans
resource. |
user_oid | xsd:long | false | false | | To whom will the order belong? Leave this blank and we will assign it
to you. If you set it and you do not have permissions on that
user's account you will get an error. |
vps_parameters | RunningVPSData | false | false | | Any particular memory/disk size overrides you want to make. If
they are compatible with the pricing plan you selected we will use
them. We will calculate the cost based on the resources we
setup you up with. We can provision VPSs in most sizes,
provided that the host has space for them. The low contention
plans are an exception. You will likely need to use the
provided memory and disk sizes. Since those plans are designed
so there is a specific (small) number of VPSs per host. And
having VPSs with 'odd' sizes stops them all fitting in 'neatly'
(that's not a problem on the bigger-, non-low contention-plans. |
vps_type | LOW_CONTENTION | REGULAR | DEDICATED | false | false | | You can specify a vps_type (if this is a VPS order, not a dedicated server order). |