Reference for RimuHosting's Data Structures (as used in our REST-ful APIs)

Name: InstantiationData


XML Example:
JSON Example:
   "control_panel": String,
   "distro": String,
   "domain_name": String,
   "password": String,

NameTypeRequiredNillableDefault ValueDescription
control_panelxsd:stringfalsefalseThe control panel to install on the VPS.  Currently only webmin is installable manually.  TODO: have an enum for the available values.  Currently null/empty string works.  For none.  Or webmin.
distroxsd:stringfalsefalseSee the distros resource for valid distro options.
domain_namexsd:stringfalsefalseThe label you want to give the server.  It will need to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).  e.g.
passwordxsd:stringfalsefalseThe password to use when setting up the server.  If not provided we will set a random one.