RimuHosting's REST-ful Resources Reference

Path: / r / billing-methods

A listing of billing methods (like individual credit cards, or method types like paypal or wire transfer) on the user's account. These billing oids can be used when instantiating new orders. The billing methods returned include a listing of any active orders currently using that billing method. Sample request curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: rimuhosting apikey=8f2c265ae1eb96008e3df206535d422f' 'https://api.rimuhosting .com/r/billing-methods'

Resource Methods
Method Summary
GET /r/billing-methodsA listing of billing methods (like individual credit cards, or method types like paypal or wire transfer) on the user's account.

Method Detail

GET /r/billing-methods

A listing of billing methods (like individual credit cards, or method types like paypal or wire transfer) on the user's account. These billing oids can be used when instantiating new orders. The billing methods returned include a listing of any active orders currently using that billing method. Sample request curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: rimuhosting apikey=8f2c265ae1eb96008e3df206535d422f' 'https://api.rimuhosting .com/r/billing-methods'

HTTP Example:
GET /r/billing-methods
API Example:


GetBillingMethodsResponse - the billing methods